Reflexive Performance Reset®
Reflexive Performance Reset® is a system of breathing and neurological drills that empower an individual to create instant improvement in pain, performance, function and stress. As a Level 1 and Level 2 RPR® Specialist, Dr. Nick evaluates the function of the nervous system to identify harmful compensation patterns that cause pain and limit performance, whether on the field, in the gym, or in the office. Most non-contact injuries, aches, pains, and stresses are due to these harmful compensation patterns. Our bodies were meant to move, not sit at a school desk, work desk, or even behind the wheel of a vehicle all day. This is typically where you can see the beginnings of these compensation patterns. Simply put, if you cannot move or breath properly, your body creates these harmful compensation patterns.
Dr. Nick will perform an initial RPR® assessment by evaluating your body’s current neurological state and motor patterns with a simple, thorough testing protocol for the entire body. The best part about this system, is that after the evaluation and the cause of these compensation patterns has been determined, he will then give you specific breathing and neurological exercises in which you can perform on your own! These can be implemented on a daily basis in order to shift your nervous system from fight or flight (survival mode) to optimal performance mode! Even though you may not think you are in fight or flight mode, your body reacts to everyday stress the same way it does when a bear chases you!
Because the nervous system controls everything in the body, and the RPR® method is highly effective in addressing these nervous system issues, there are a wide range and variety of conditions and goals, which can be helped or achieved, including:
· Musculoskeletal Pain
· Sports Performance
· Exercise Performance
· Mental Performance
· Injury Prevention
· Increased Flexibility
· Stress (work, home, relationship, etc.)
· Mental conditions such as anxiety
· Neurological Conditions
· Dysfunctional Movement
RPR® has already been implemented from high school level to collegiate to professional sports. It has led to drastic improvements in performance and nervous system function, and the best part is that once the system has been implemented, the individual can perform these interventions daily on their own with noticeable and immediate changes in performance and function.
Dr. Nick believes this is a true game-changer when it comes making immediate and lasting improvements in the way the body functions and performs! It is something that every individual needs to experience for themselves!
Dr. Nick offers complimentary phone consultations and demonstrations to anyone interested in learning more about the RPR® system!
If you are interested in implementing RPR® in an individual, team, or class setting, or if you would simply just like some more information, please fill out the form below.